JUNE 18, 2004
Dorothy Deremo
Hospice of Michigan
President and CEO
Thank you Jon. The issue of the economic impact of caregiving must be put within a context of need and current delivery systems before looking to potential solutions. As Ken Dychtwald once said, the impending baby boomer generation is like a herd of velocoraptors who will eat every health care resource in sight over the next 50 years. We as a nation face impending age wars as this demographic tsunami unfolds if we do not plan for it in advance.
- Social Demographics
- “Pig in the Python” demographics
- Social security ratio of persons paying into the system to persons receiving benefits
- 1950 – 15:1
- 2000 – 4:1
- 2030 – 2:1
- Therefore, fewer professional and family caregivers in future
- Chronic Condition Demographics Today
- ½ of population has chronic one or more condition
- Of these, 41 million are limited in daily activities
- 12 million are unable to go to school work or function independently
- Employed Caregivers for this Population
- 65% of all caregivers are between the ages of 35-65 years old
- 20-25% of all employees are caregivers of elderly relatives
- 40% are also caring for children under the age of 18 living at home
- 55% of employed caregivers are female and 45% are male, most are married, work full time and have a median age of 46.1 years
- The older the workforce and more females employed, the higher caregiving within the employee population
- The economic value of the free care provided by caregivers is estimated to be worth $257 billion annually
- Impact on worker productivity
- 49% of employed caregivers arrived late, left early, or took time off during work
- 11% took leaves of absence
- 7% worked fewer hours, took less demanding jobs
- 4% lost job benefits
- 3% turned down promotions
- Impact on worker health (and health care costs)
- Almost 70% of employed caregivers say that care giving has had a negative impact on health with 20% reporting significant problems
- 50% cited additional visits to the doctor
- Employed caregivers use 2-3 times the prescription drugs than non-caregiver employees
- Calculated Financial Impact (Met Life Study of Employer Costs for Working Caregivers. 1997)
- American businesses lose between $11 billion in lost productivity and a total of $29 billion each year when you add the additional health care expenses due to employees need to care for loved ones over the age or 50
- Future is grime
- 1990 – there were 11 potential caregivers for each person needing care
- 2050 – this ratio will be 4:1
…. [this white paper conversion will be continued upon completion of the website] …